It is very significant that crush videos were in the decline before the original law was overturned.
The Supreme Court has recently decided this extreme cruelty is protected by the First Amendment as free speech. Call your U.S. Representative as soon as possible. Tell him or her to pass and co-sponsor H.R. 5092 to amend the Crush Act to make crush videos illegal again. The bill is currently in the Judiciary Committee these Representatives need to be called by constituents.
Automated letters and online petitions are not effective for passing legislation. Phone calls take two minutes, speak to an aide, state you are a constituent, give your name and address. For those who don't know, the NRA, ACLU, and AKA lobbied hard to have crush videos and acts of animal cruelty legalized as free speech.The NRA was motivated by a desire to protect hunting videos.The Supreme Court (7 to 1) ruled in their favor. H.R. 5092 will amend this to make the creation and sale of crush videos illegal again.
What are Crush videos?
Animal crush videos are videos of small animals, such as puppies, kittens, and bunnies, slowly being tortured with the most hideous methods imaginable, including being burnt alive, nailed to the floor, beaten, strangled, stabbed, and limbs broken. All of these videos have one uniting theme: these animals are also slowly stomped, stepped on, or sat on by a woman in high heels while she tortures them.
The crush videos seen on the Internet are only brief glimpses; most videos last about 30 to 90 minutes. Animal crush videos are made for a specific customer with an unusual sexual fetish, there is increased demand for such material for shock value as well. These animals suffer a slow, horrific death so that their suffering can be sold to some sick person for pleasure, they are the ultimate pornography. People willingly make and participated in the torture and killing of these animals for profit. Now again, thanks to seven of the Supreme Court Justices these videos are legal to own and view! Still too few people know about the true horror of crush videos. And since the overturning of the law and the recent Supreme Court decision there prosecution is unfettered.
Expose these videos
Still too many people are unaware how serious the cruelty of crush videos are, are unaware of their existence, or dismiss them as an urban legend. It is puzzling that the Supreme Court did not take into consideration how crush videos and pictures of the videos will affect children who find them on the Internet, especially since the Justices are expected to uphold a law prohibiting violent video games, which do not depict real violence but merely animations. Will our children be traumatized for months as adults have been or become so immune to the suffering they feel nothing? Many are concerned that animal crush videos will no longer enough to satisfy the perverted people who buy them. Could children be in the next victims of crush video torture?
Write Letters to Editors of Newspapers
We are an all volunteer group working hard to stop crush videos world wide. While we must now focus on changing the law in the United States, after that is accomplished our goal is to fight to change the laws world-wide.
Compassionate people must join together and take action to stop the production, sale, and viewing of these horrible crush videos! If we do not stop this more animals will suffer and die and there is a chance children crush videos could be next.
We need your help. We need your voice to educate the public and to raise awareness. Please join us and help us to reach every caring person with the message to make crush videos illegal in the United States and world-wide.
A Brief History of Crush Videos
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has done much to inform the public on this issue. Their efforts helped make animal crush videos illegal, as they played a large role in getting the initial act passed (Depictions of Animal Cruelty Act).
Since then, that law was overturned and the HSUS has been fighting for its reinstatement. They did a major investigation and gathered up footage, web sites and names of people responsible for making and selling these videos.
Additional Organizations Against Crush Videos
There are a few other agencies besides the HSUS that also fought on behalf of the animal victims of crush videos. These agencies may be valuable allies, and should be contacted, all but Animal Law Coalition filed amicus briefs:
1. Northwest Animal Rights Network (NARN)
2. Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF)
3. International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR)
6.The Center on the Administration of Criminal Law (Not an animal welfare group, but they submitted a brief on behalf of the animals.)
7. Washington Legal Foundation and Allied Educational Foundation (Again, not an animal welfare agency, but submitted an brief for the animals)
A well moderated and very informative site. With up to date information about media coverage and actions people can take.
This is a well moderated and very informative site. Check out the discussions there such as people involved in this case who are fighting for reinstatement of the Depictions of Animal Cruelty Act, their contact information and the contact information (and Facebook pages) can be found HERE.
The People Who Have Taken Action Against Crush Videos
This is an excellent source of information of people to thank, with their contact information who have done something to stop crush videos.
Again we emphasize personal phone calls and letters as most effective but work with all legitimate groups to stop crush videos. Well written and targeted petitions are useful in raising awareness as long as people realize they are just a first step. Remember, anyone can post a petition.
This site has almost 30,000 members but does not appear to be actively monitored or doing anything to stop crush videos except to have the address of petition. It is a potential source of recruits waiting for direction so should be actively pursued.
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