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Thursday, February 04, 2010

Who Am I?

s that an important question?

Should I say, "who am I?" Not who you are, but who am I? And if I tell you who I am, what does it matter? It would only be out of curiosity wouldn't it?

It's like reading a menu in the window, you have to go into the restaurant and eat the food. But when your standing outside and reading the menu, it won't satisfy your hunger.

So, to tell you who I am is really quite meaningless. First of all, I'm nobody. Right? That's all. Very simple as that. But what is important is who you are. What are you? Who are you? Just in that question alone, it's implied you are 'somebody.'

You see, there's the hero, or the man who is enlightened, there is the guru...etc.  Which ever the choice, you copy them. You copy the way they walk, the way they talk, the way they brush their teeth, or whatever it is. You imitate them. It's part of your pattern.

It's absurd! Do you understand?

It's childish to imitate somebody. Are we not the result of alot of imitations? Religions have said, "but give yourself over", "surrender yourself", "follow me", "I am this... I am that... worship me...worship that".... Right?
In school you imitate. Acquiring knowledge is a form of imitation. Of course there is the fashion; long dresses, short dresses, long hair, short hair, long beard, goatee, no goatee...copy, copy, copy.

All this, is what you are. To find out who you are is far more important.  You must inquire.

You are the story of mankind and if you really see that, then it gives you tremendous vitality, energy, beauty, love. You see, once your aware of this, you are no longer a small entity struggling the call of the earth. Your part of this whole humanity, and with this comes tremendous responsibility. Most of you won't see this because you are so mostly concerned with yourselves. All of your particular little problems, your particular little sorrows and so on.

To step out of that narrow box, seems almost impossible, because you are so conditioned, so programmed like computers, that you can not learn something new.  The computer can, but you can't.

Do you see the tragedy of it?

You see the machine you have created, the computer, can learn much faster, and infinitely more than you or I can or the brain itself can. And the brain which has invented this computer, has created a machine that has become ultra intelligent. You see, your brains are sluggish, slow, and dull. This is because you are conformed. You have obeyed. You have followed the Priest, the Guru, the Hero, the Church......Are you seeing this?

And when you do revolt, as the revolutionaries, and the terrorist do. It is still very superficial. Because it's changing the pattern of politics of a so called society. You see, a 'societyis merely a relationship between people. We are talking about a revolution. Not a physical revolution, but a psychological revolution, in which there is no active conformity. Not a thing of conformity at all. Conformity only exist when there is comparison. Your mind should be totally free from comparison.

That is to learn to observe, your whole history, which is embedded in you, so you may Arise from the Illusion.

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