Some of my readers know a bit more about me than others. You know that I live somewhat ‘outside the box'. I stepped out of the ‘construct’ created by society, and walked away from all its vulgarities, and with that left time far behind.
In other words, I do not base my life around time. I try and stay away from things that rely on time. I go to bed when I’m tired, and I eat when I’m hungry. I have been living a without clocks for a few years now.
Now with my roommate, things are different, everything revolves around the time. What time his favorite TV show comes one, what time he takes his medications, what time he eats, what time he goes to his doctors appointments, what time he gets up, and what time he goes to sleep.
He occupies one side of the house, and he has a collection of digital clocks. So if I’m passing through to the kitchen I have pass several clocks; a clock in the living room atop the television, and then there is a digital clock on the stove, and one on the microwave, and then when going back to my room, I have to pass a final wind up clock on the armoire.
He occupies one side of the house, and he has a collection of digital clocks. So if I’m passing through to the kitchen I have pass several clocks; a clock in the living room atop the television, and then there is a digital clock on the stove, and one on the microwave, and then when going back to my room, I have to pass a final wind up clock on the armoire.
I recall experiencing the 11:11 phenomena years ago, but over the past month it seems to have intensified, or I have been paying more attention to it. More noticeable, over the past week. On my way to the kitchen, I stopped in the living room and chatted with my roommate, and noticed the clock said 11:11. I immediately turned and walked in the kitchen to my surprise, both clocks were 11:11. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed all the clocks having the exact time, they are usually off by a minute or two. I also remember thinking on each occasion that what a coincidence that I happen to walk out of my room at this particular instance. I’d say it has happened about 4 times I can remember during this past 3 ½ weeks.
I remember trying to explain this to my roommate, but soon after I would forget about it. Now this past week, it happened twice, and what really grabbed my attention is that, we have had two power outages within the week, which usually throws the clocks out of sequence with each other and all need to be reset, but this particular week they didn’t, and this is the very week that the incidents intensified.
My understanding is that whoever has constant contact with the 11:11 phenomena may have some type of a positive mission to accomplish. Some feel that it is immensely positive, almost like there is a thinking entity sending messages, via physical and visual signs from the universe.
It is believed that when this happens, it activates the power of intention.
String theory is said to be the theory of everything. It is a way of describing every force and matter regardless of how large or small or weak or strong it is. The first eleven that was noticed is that string theory has to have 11 parallel universes.
11 Phenomena
Brian Greene has 11 letters in his name. For those of you who do not know, he is a physicist as well as the author of The Elegant Universe, which is a book explaining string theory.
Another interesting find is that Isaac Newton (who's ideas kicked off string theory many years later) has 11 letters in his name.
John Schwarz was one of the two men who worked out the anomalies in the theory. Plus, 1 person + 1 person = 2 people = equality.
Also, the two one's next to each other is 11. The two men had to find the same number (496) on both sides of the equation in order for the anomalies to be worked out, so the equation had to have equality! There were two matching sides to the equation as well because they ultimately got 496 on both sides. So, the 1 + 1 = 2 = equality applies for the equation as well.
Here is something more than the paranormal or numerology - something very fundamental about the scientific and mathematical nature of the universe, involving unary arithmetic.
(a): 11=3, in binary arithmetic. 3 is the cornerstone of the trinity and also Hinduism.
(b): 1 male + 1 female are needed to produce 1 child. Ergo, 1 + 1 = 3, in reproduction.
(c): The building block of all existence since the "the Big Bang" is Hydrogen, which through nuclear fusion has produced all the other atoms known to humankind. Hydrogen is another 11, in binary. Another 3: 1 electron; 1 proton and 1 neutron.
(d): The Yin and the Yang are also 11 - two ones of opposite kind, reflecting the duality of the universe in eastern religions and modern computer technology.
(e): Following year 1BC is the year 1AD - another 11, since our modern calendar has no year 0, which is why the 21st century officially began on Jan 1st, 2001.
(f): And finally there is the oddity of the number 10, which historically grew out of counting on our fingers. The oddity is that 10 = 1010 in binary arithmetic - 10:10.
However, if you count the fingers on your hands in unary arithmetic - no zeros - then 10 fingers, in unary mathematics, = 11111111111 - exactly eleven 1's.
History has uncovered many anomalies and perhaps a significant prophetic sign regarding September 11.
The most startling discovery was a book written in 1981, 20 years prior to the 2001 attacks, called "The Birth of Christ Recalculated." The author, Dr. Ernest L. Martin, claims to have calculated the exact date of Jesus Christ's birth based on the celestial charts for that era.
The date of Christ's birth, based on the famous Star of Bethlehem, is calculated to be September 11, 3 B.C.. Dr. Martin's findings have been accepted by many scholars, theologians, historians, and astronomers. We also note that Jesus Christ has 11 letters. The crosses found standing in the ruins of the WTC, and the dominance of the number 11 in the 9-11 events, make this combination even more mysterious.
Here is another significant religious event occurring about 2000 years later on September 11, 1999.
According to Hebrew Scriptures September 11, 1999 was the 6,000th anniversary of Adam's creation, and year 1 on the Hebrew calendar.
What about binary coding? We all know the majority of computers use this code.
Think of an on/off switch where 0 = off and 1 = on. These codes are linked together just as letters and then words are put together to make a sentence. In turn this is speeded up within your computer. It has become an electronic language - a form of communication that can cross many barriers such as language itself. Not only that but it can be applied to so many things some of which have yet to be discovered or thought of. Its not a new concept. I think it began with a piece of string and a knot and then a piece of string and several knots, thousands of years ago. Throughout man's history it has evolved and developed, for example, the Abacus, a more sophisticated and effectively simple 'computer'. Everyone and everything in the world today is based on and affected by this electronic language. In the realms of 11:11 perhaps it can be seen as the communication between two people (and or their computer) for what is the human brain but a computer in the 'on' position. Through communication we learn to appreciate and respect one another's values, customs and beliefs - that has to be a good thing - and all this from a knot and a piece of string thousands of years ago!
The 11:11 enigma has been here for a while now and has affected the lives of countless thousands of people. Is it really a phenomenon, or is it our internal body clocks playing tricks on us? For many people seeing the 11s in such abundance makes them certain that this goes far beyond the realms of coincidence. If this is a message, then four ones would be the most noticeable of all numbers to have appear on a digital clock.
The major question is what can be gleaned from this 'message'.
Historically, Pythagoreans means much more that the familiar theorem about right triangles. The philosophy of Pythagoreans and his school has impacted the very fiber of mathematics and physics, even the western tradition of liberal education no matter what the discipline.
In Pythagorean, a cycle is based on 9. 9=End. 9/11= end of the DNA biogen(et)ic program running at the moment.
"Creation starts with the 'divine pure unity', number one, then develops to the 'holy four', and the first four digits beget ten, the sacred number, from which everything else springs" - Colin Wilson, Author of The Occult (p251)
One and one is also the beginning of the Fibonacci curve, a universal pattern of nature found in everything from conch shells to galaxy spirals.
If you multiply 1111 by 1111 you get 1234321, representing a pyramid, and number 11 is a sacred number of the pyramid with the proportions of the great pyramid being of the ratio 7:11. Eleven is also a number harmonious with Pi. Therefore, it seems that number eleven is of central importance in understanding the mathematical infrastructure of the universe. This appearance of an abundance of 11:11 sightings on clocks seems to be is about thinking out of your box and letting your mind stretch outside it's comfort zone.11:11 does not allow you to forget about the larger questions because it is always popping back into your reality, acting as catalyst to distract our consciousness away from the sublime and on to something far more challenging.
I have taken it to mean the need to find balance in life and avoid becoming too ensconced in the superficiality of our corporate/consumer society.
11:11 seems to be the choice before humankind. Either realize that 1 American is essentially the same as 1 Jew, 1 Christian or 1 Buddhist, so we can either live side by side in harmony, or we can concentrate on the small differences between us and use it as an excuse for conflict.
Uri Geller became well known for a few scientifically unexplained phenomena such as Telepath (Extrasensory perception - the ability to receive someone's thought pattern and transmit images in a similar manner.) Dowsing - Finding the location of precious minerals, by using what I believe to be my powers. Bending, breaking and softening metal and other solids with the power of the mind, e.g. spoons, keys etc, more rarely plastic and glass. Fixing broken watches and appliances, and using collective power, influencing the Big Ben to stop. Moving compasses with the power of thought Erasing computer tapes and disks. Sprouting, causing tiny seeds (mainly red radish) to grow a few centimetres in seconds.
Uri believes that the endless reoccurrence of these hours 11:11, 11:01, 11:10, 10:01, 10:11, 10:10, 1:01, 1:11 represents a positive connection and a gateway to the mysteries of the universe and beyond.
"For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during times of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on the people involved. This causes a reactivation of our cellular memory banks.
There’s a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten. The appearance of 11:11 is also a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with our highest Truth. Throughout the years, I have personally encountered thousands of people all over the world who, have experienced repeated sightings of 11:11. They all want to know what is happening to them and why." -Uri Geller
What does the 11:11 signify?
11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality.
When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger. A transfer is in position. You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation.
The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention telling you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is really happening. It’s time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into the Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love.
To ascend from duality and cross the bridge to vitality and oneness.
An Opening Door
This can presently be perceived as a crack between two worlds. It is like a bridge which has the inherent potential of linking together two very different spirals of energy. As we unite together as One, bringing together our fragments of the key, we not only create the key, but we make visible the Doorway. Thus this bridge functions as an invisible door or a doorway into the Invisible realm.
The 11:11 is the bridge to an entirely different spiral of evolution. The symbol of 11:11 was pre-encoded into our cellular memory banks long ago. Returning our cycle of incarnations upon the Earth. The 11.11 has rested dormantly within us since that faraway position under time-release mechanization, combined with sealed orders which would only open when the 11.11 was fully activated.
Physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness.
11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of DNA. It has been gently sleeping, awaiting the moment of triggering.
The year 2011 will have great significance and consciousness will evolve in full swing. January 1, 2011 we find - 1/1/11 which could be seen as 1111 and November 11 - 11/11/11. This promises to accelerate consciousness toward 2012 with links to the Mayan Calendar end time at 11:11 UT, Universal Time. (December 12, 2012). [source]
11 represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement and fullfillment.
Eleven is a higher octave of the number two and it is known to carry psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties.
11:11 or derivatives of these numbers, 111 and 11, are digits that repeat in time thus a metaphor for reality as patterns that repeat in time for us to experience. This can refer to the rise and fall of civilizations, our personal experiences and lessons, loops in time.
They are cycles of time that create and recreate following the blueprint. 11 represents spiraling twin strands of human DNA moving into higher frequency of consciousness.
11 represents balance.
11 represents balance.
11+11=22=4=Time. 22 is a Master or Masonic Number. [source]
Some souls see a Golden Age emerging, as told by the ancient prophets. Gold refers to Alchemy, and the alchemical changes that are taking place in our bodies in the evolution of consciousness.
Reality is a geometric design based on numbers (universal language) that repeat in cycles to create the linear time experiment.
Terrorism and 11
Terrorism and 11
09/11/01 - 9/11 - September 11 Attacks in NYC
03/11/04 - 3/11 - Madrid Bombings
07/11/06 - 7/11 - Mumbai (formerly Bombay) train bombings
We all have one or more numeric codes that follow the blueprint of Sacred Geometry. It is about the spirals of consciousness, Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden Spiral, also found in perfection, in the exact proportions in the Great Pyramid.
Most digital codes that evoke memory are double digits or countdowns such as 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 or 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, which goes to Zero Point Merge.
Be prepared because once you have experienced this, a sudden awakening will occur inside you, after which reality will NEVER be the same again. You will start to notice a great clarity in your reality, and you'll soon begin the healing of your psyche. I've learned not to expect others in your life to be on this journey with you.
This is a journey for you.
You will have to seek new friends of like mind who are also being triggered by the digits. Once you open the Digital Door, there is no going back. Your soul will automatically and quickly move you from level to level of experience until you 'get it', and realize that it's time to move on. Your consciousness will begin to expand faster and with greater comprehension. [source]
thanks for the link man! I was simply not aware of this site. I am totally eager to read about all of that. Have been since 9-11-01. Am a pretty intuitive person and since i have been working my way out of the matrix, possibilities and new concience levels occur. I live far more in a universe now than simply on earth...and there is light and there is dark. I choose the first one.
ReplyDeletenever forget that we are millions around the world who have had it with the lies. There are a lot of eyes opening especially in America and the European eastern block countries just to cite a few.
ReplyDeleteDo you know Alan Watts? There's another fabulous curious elevated mind. I am about to translate some of his words so french speaking communities can have access to the information globewise.
Step by step...keep the light shining!
Alan Watts is his own person and I think he is for the experienced. We should never abide by anyone else's ways of doing. We all have our own unique ways of pitching in and we all initially have the potential to chose to explore it or not. You can't become a social outcast either for it would defeat the very purpose.
ReplyDeleteI notice that when I simply repeat what others say, people don't tend to listen and like you say, they arbor this look on their faces as if you were actually threatening them when in fact you are making them aware of their own predicaments ranging from financial quandries to personal psychological depression.
But don't forget either that happiness and soulful comfort is not what most people want and aim for out of life. Some do entertain and are comfortable when they can watch others suffer. Silently, insiduously. It's all linked and parallel to your own self-worth. I choose freedom of the mind and partake in my very own way. We don't have to rave and rant constantly either, except when sheer ignorance and stupidity call for it, but honest love of everything around you my friend, which constantly pushes our limits exponentially further to a greater state of being, unlike it's dark opposite...
The 11-phenomenon demonstrates that our behaviour is controlled. People experiencing the 11-phenomenon are programmed to watch when the number 11 can be seen. The occurrences concerning the number 11 indicate that we live in a virtual reality comparable to The Matrix, which means that we live in a created world that is run by a program (e.g. proof of the existence of God).
ReplyDeleteThis may explain more (it is not a religious text):
Interesting, however, this article lends more to the fact that God is a terrorist, fundamentally.
ReplyDeleteI believe that this God you speak of and proof of it's existence would have a little more power than having a plane crash into a building ...
That is how you read it. It seems more an explanation of our existence in The Matrix to me. It is funny to think of it in this way: We are not real but we only exist in a computer. That is why we see 11:11 so many times. We are programmed to watch when the number 11 comes around. So Jesus could walk over water because he was a computer simulation.
ReplyDeleteYeah your right, it's perception, and since I was not raised within the contraints of religion, my perception tends to be a bit broader.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the Matrix, yes indeed, we are living in a hologram...almost like the holodeck in Star's created by our own mind...but as far as Jesus walking on water...thats just manipulating the torsion field, which has been theorized by Einstein and Cartan(ECT)..
It’s now becoming clear to me that Jesus may have been an extraterrestrial with the understanding of torsion field physics just as our current civilization is based on electric and magnetic field physics. Torsion fields are just more advanced forms of electricity and magnetism. We are now understanding that the pyramids were most likely built using this technology, by tweeking if you will, the torsion fiels, thus allowing objects to levetate.
Now with all that said, if you just look back in history during the Roman Empire, they used smoke and mirror to make the people think they were "gods" so to speak, and it's been proven that they too had a device that allowed people to walk on water, but it was merely an illusion.
It all boils down to what YOU believe, and if YOU believe in that, then it's truth for you, on the other hand I do not believe in the "GOD" you speak of, I believe in a bigger, and broader concept of God, where it's not vengeful, arrogant, jealous, destructive..these are all human attributes, and to deminish God to this level, I believe is true blasphemy.
I believe in God, but not the manmade god that people here on Earth have created...the God that I believe in is so much wider and bigger than we an even concieve, let alone talk to...until we reach the same frequency, and/or vibrational resonance...
Join me and other like minded people to explore more of your views regarding the matrix, because I do find them interesting...and I appreciate that you got my mind working.
Are you a follower of the White Rabbit? You may enjoy this site
I appreciate you POV
What a fabulous article. And today it's 11.11.11. Considering I don't wear a watch anymore, earlier this morning after doing my usual chores, I approached my laptop to check the time, and it was 11.11 so I sent love to the Universe. It's an absolute fascinating phenomena and how my life has changed since I decided to live outside the box and its usual fears. God is everywhere and I feel closer to Him than ever, but like yourself, I'm not religious, nor do I believe in the structures of any organised religion, however, Spirituality has taught me love, compassion, and forgiveness.