The other day I had the pleasure of having a conversation, via email, with an “old soul.” He had run across my youtube channel, and took an interest, by questioning my beliefs.
I appreciated his comments, and questions, and gave them lots of thought, and we both conversed deeply over a few lengthy emails.
UncannyRicardo brought up the December 21, 2012 date, and we both agreed with Johan Coleman’s theory of the Mayan Calendar.
I was trying to help UncannyRicardo understand that I don’t believe something is going to happen a specific date, as most people refer to 12/21/2012 date, however, I believe we are currently witnessing our own evolution, and believe, as Calleman does, that its our consciousness that is transforming. I gave the example of him being only 17, and that he had by far surpassed his peers with his knowledge of quantum physics and the self, the psyche and consciousness as a whole.
His beliefs were similar to In Lak'ech of the Maya, who have observed, charted and documented these great eras and transitions throughout history, by observing the cosmos. December 21 2012 - the date that marks the end of one great cycle of the Mayan Calendar, and marking the beginning of the next great cycle of evolution.
We both agreed that the shift has already begun, with him as an example.
"You know I've had spiritual people call me an "old soul". In the since that my consciousness might be a bit older (or has had more "experience" ....) than other people, in the sense of past lives. And that maybe the reason why im only 17 and have already found out these things is because I've already experienced this many times before, while others are newer and thus require a bit more time to finally understand these things. Its kinda neat stuff." -excerpt from email, UncannyRicardo
Many of us are beginning to vibrate at a much higher rate, thus allowing our consciousness to grow and redevelop as the whole. I told Ricardo I already see this shift in him, his beliefs are of a higher frequency. A lot of us have reached crossroads in our life; it’s recognizing them that make a difference. Each time I reach one, I am confronted with an “old soul.” It’s happened so many times, that I’ve come to rely on it somehow…or maybe, not rely on it so much, but rather…..I am comfortable with it. I am a person who sees signs, and recognizes the importance of each. It’s an intuitiveness I’ve become accustomed to.
Over the past month I have been experiencing the metaphysical. I’ve talked about the 11:11 incidents. I recently experienced some heart issues, which landed me in the emergency room, and after finally getting to see and doctor, things turned out to be nothing to worry about.
But this experience is very similar to the teachings of the Chakras. You may feel as though you were having a heart attack, pains, fluttering. This occurs when the heart chakra begins to open or enlarge to receive more energy. Pain sensations in the heart and not being able to breath can be very frightening because you may think you are having a heart attack. The above symptoms are caused by the expansion of energy running through your solar plexus and heart chakra (heart and stomach area). The best solution is to relax which will adjust the energy flow. Anxiety and fear only constricts the energy thus, causing a more severe reaction.
It seems as soon as I let go of the fear, all was fine, the symptoms seemed to subside.
Apparently, this is a normal experience when undergoing a frequency increase. It’s beginning to make sense to me, all the signs, all the oddities I have been experiencing. I have been witnessing my own evolution –my consciousness is growing faster and quicker than ever. What I have been working so hard for the past 6 years, has finally taken root –I am witnessing my own evolution of consciousness.
“I believe that we are all a "universal mind" and that this reality/world is a creation of my/our thoughts. I hold the philosophical view of "monistic idealism", which means I think that matter is just another creation of the mind (mind over matter). -exerpt from email, UncannyRicardo
When is the last time you had a 17 young man say something like that? It was so profound, because I have been approaching life with this belief. And the doctor visit affirmed my effort has not been in vain. I believe most illnesses if not all are directly related to your mind. In so many complex ways. We can manifest our illnesses.
Therefore it makes sense that we can will them away too.
If you haven’t already read, The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, and Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, I highly recommend you do. They will change the way you view your body and mind.
As I mentioned in my previous post that I had been pondering the direction of my life, my blog, and the bird that needed a gust of wind to help him start in a new direction. Lately, I’ve been like that bird….flapping my wings, but getting nowhere. This young lad was the wind beneath my wings. I know it sounds crazy, silly, but our conversation really got me thinking in a new direction.
The particular life challenges and destined events that are the hallmark of being an old soul.
If you're an old soul you will undoubtedly be giving, caring loving and compassionate - all wonderful attributes that we are taught are the signs of a developed person who cares for others, and the actions that we take that may affect others.
The terms 'old soul' and 'young soul' aren't just descriptions of personality types but do give us a meaningful clue to why we find ourselves in this life cycle.
The journey of the soul through many lives is one of growth and learning from the earliest manifestation of that soul in human form - where it's focused on material things, power, ego and the "now", eventually through to the higher levels of compassion, truth, destiny, caring and fairness in later lives as old souls.
It is through interaction with others on the three dimensional plane that the soul experiences reality, and part of that developing process is to become infinitely more empathic, attuned to the universe and destiny, and for our intuition to develop more towards psychic powers . At this stage we sense that destiny plays a greater part in our lives that we could previously have imagined as we 'peek behind the scenes' of the universal mechanisms through our developing intuition.
This itself is also a challenge as we watch those less enlightened who are still contained in the "box" wandering blindly down the path.
I believe it’s important to understand that each time our soul revisits the earthly plane, that we play 'catch-up', developing through our earthly actions and remembering learning experiences quickly to regain that level of spiritual awareness we attained when leaving the previous life.
It's the butterfly sensing another butterfly but seeing a caterpillar.
This is the main reason “old souls” have to part, in order that the less developed one catches up with their earthly experiences in order to fully awaken spiritually and be ready to reconnect with their real soul age from the past life and to reconnect with you to continue the journey at the same spiritual level.
As we grow and learn, through experience, and influences in our lives, we all reach the same lesson, that giving and kindness and caring and turning the other cheek are vital to being a good human being.
As in all things there is a duality. Look at nature - there's no cold without hot, no up without down, no dark without light. The yin and the yang, the interplay of opposing forces seeking balance.
An old soul arises from experience, and when one crosses your path, it’s for a reason.
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wow oh wow, i understand so much more towards self i have always question my thought process, and being crazy this has showed me so much i know for where i am to go i know now that my life is as it should could be, thank you