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Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - The Transition Begins

"....deadly riots over the governments plans on defaulting on its loans..."
" that the unemployment keeps rising..."
"....and it has to keep rising just because you have an excess supply of goods..."
"...this is all borrowed money that our kids will have to repay..."
"...and that debt is owned by banks in other countries..."
"...M-O-N-E-Y, in the form of a convenient personal loan..."
" a cigarette that delivers the taste and I...malt liquor..are you hot?..."
"….US planning to bomb Iran..."
"...sanctioning terror attacks in Iraq..."
"...there's "strong", then there's "army strong..."

Modern psychology has a word that is probably used more than any other word in psychology.

It is the word "maladjusted".

Maladjusted. I would like to say to you today that there are some things in our society and some things in our world of which I'm proud to be maladjusted. And I call upon all men of good will to be maladjusted to these things until the good society is realized.

You know, economists are, in fact, not economists at all; they are propagandists of money value. This system is more wasteful than all of the other existing systems in the history of the planet. So, you're really dealing with not an economic system but, I would go so far as to say, an anti-economic system.

The problem we have is essentially the financial money sequence system.

It's a system disorder and the system disorder seems to be fatal. There is no profit, under the current paradigm, in saving lives, putting balance on this planet, having justice and peace or anything else. Disease supports medicine, it supports doctors and hospitals. But if you really were able to eliminate most diseases, you would eliminate professions as well.

You have to create problems to create profit.

Crime does create business. We have now roughly 2 million people incarcerated in this country. Many of them are in prisons run by private corporations who trade their stock on Wall Street based upon how many people are in jail.

But that's a reflection of the culture in which we live, in which we've all, to one degree or another, endorsed.

I think the biggest barrier would be the values that people are taught to uphold that system. At the social level of life organization, it isn't the genetic program, or a genetic defect, it's a value system disorder.

What you have to understand is that the intellectual culture of a society actually reflects the power interests in that society; the dominant perspective. In the past, throughout almost all of human history, the main threat to human survival was nature.

Today it is culture.

Not only does structural violence kill more people than all the behavioral violence put together, structural violence is also the main cause of behavioral violence. Some colleagues at Harvard studying this suggested that 'inequality' acted as a social pollutant because it affects almost everyone in society.

And we're in that spasming, collapsing form now.
"The immune system can not recognize the invasive cancer and it takes over the whole body until the body collapses."
So the system has to be corrected, not print more money and give it to banks. That doesn't deal with the problem. Every level of life organization and life system is in a state of crisis and challenge and decay or collapse. The problems that we have today will continue to go on, this will never go away within a monetary system.

It's clear that we're on the verge of a great transition in human life.

That what we face now is this fundamental change of the life we've known over the last century. There has to be a link between the economy and the resources of this planet, the resources being, of course, all animal and plant life, the health of the oceans and everything else.

This is a monetary paradigm that will not let go until it has killed the last human being.
The "in group" will do all it can to stay in power and that’s what you gotta keep in mind. They'll use the army and navy and lies or whatever they have to use to keep in power. They are not about to give it up 'cause they don’t know of any other system that will perpetuate their kind.
In the third installment, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, directed by Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical “life ground” attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a “Resource-Based Economy”.

This film will feature experts in the fields of public health, anthropology, neurobiology, economics, energy, technology, social science and other relevant subjects which relate to social operation and culture.

The three central themes of the work are Human Behavior, Monetary Economics, and Applied Science.

Put together the work creates a model of understanding the current social paradigm; why it is critical to move out of it - coupled with a new, radical, yet practical social approach based on advanced understandings which would resolve the current social woes facing the world today.

The first segment of the film examined human nature as a series of experts explained quite eloquently that the popular dichotomy of nature vs. nurture is not only an oversimplification, but also a total cop out. They explain how the argument that negative traits are genetically predetermined has been used in a subtle way to say that the problems of society are inevitable, and therefore can not be solved. The genetic argument also fuels racism, eugenics and class hierarchy, but in reality the process is more complex.

For example they show that in addition to explicit memory, where we actually recall events, there is an implicit memory, or what might be called emotional memory, which goes back to the womb. In other words, much of our emotional response to the world is due to imprinting that took place before we have any explicit memory. They focus on something called “Epigenetic Features,” characteristics for which there is a genetic predisposition, but are triggered by environmental stimuli at key developmental phases in a child’s experience. What they essentially show is that most human traits attributed to nature require a corresponding component of nurture to manifest, and virtually no traits are completely predetermined.

The most important fruit of this research is the discovery that childhood trauma and abuse fundamentally changes the structure of a developing brain, ultimately producing a violent and abusive adult.

For more on this phenomena I highly recommend the series The Bomb in the Brain from Freedomain Radio.

One of the unique attributes of this work, which separates it in style from most documentaries, is that it has a parallel dramatic/cinematic theme, with notable actors, which abstractly play out various gestures related to the overall message of the film. The work also vigorously employs numerous 2d and 3d visual abstracts/animations, while returning to the standard, traditional documentary orientation as the foundation.

The director, producer, writer, cinematographer, composer, editor and narrator of the work, Peter Joseph, was inadvertently brought into recognition within the documentary film community with his award winning controversial 2007 work “Zeitgeist: The Movie” which obtained over 100,000,000 views online during the first year of its publication. This film was not a film at all in its original conception, but became one after it achieved global acclaim.

I'm happy to report that "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" is a wild success and turned into an unprecedented film release premiere. What started as a thought of having maybe 30 total theaters screening the film instead turned into 30 languages alone with a total count of 335 theaters in 60 countries, and still growing daily! With multiple screenings at most of the 335 theaters, our total number of screenings is well over 1,000 world-wide. The response to the film has been huge... reports coming in of sold-out crowds in venues ranging upwards of 500-900 seat capacity.

This has developed to possibly be the largest independent global theatrical premiere, covering the most languages, countries and locations. The movie and the movement are on the global radar now and your efforts are a huge part of this success!

A successful feature length documentary work which presents a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical "life ground" attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a "Resource-Based Economy". 

Do yourself a favor and watch the movie, which will inspire you to think differently; alternative than what we have now. Most people have never been exposed to problems that could arise in the future maintaining the current system. 

The fear of the film, which drives the need for such an alternative is that attempting to act within the current economic paradigm is tantamount to doing nothing. 

The film argues that the world is in a deep crises that is about to get much worse. 

Technological unemployment is on the increase with no new 'services sector' there to mop up jobs lost to automation, the population is exploding exponentially, the volatile 'gambling cartels' of Wall Street create artificial bubbles and the resulting depressions with increasing irregularity which will only be made worse by purely automated computer trading, pollution is rife, top soil is disappearing, the oceans will be empty by 2030, resources are being depleted far more rapidly than they can be restocked, and the end of cheap energy will result in global chaos, war and mass destruction.

Phew. Hard to argue with the facts when they are laid bare for you to look at and study at your leisure 

In this documentary, Moving Forward brings home a number of disturbing realities to the audience. More importantly - it actually provides answers. A way, literally - to move forwards.

Possibly one of the most important films you'll ever watch.

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