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Friday, November 25, 2011

Baa Baa Black Sheeple, Have You Any Money Left?

Baa, baa, black sheeple

Have you any money?
Yes sir, yes sir
Three bags full
One for the tax man
One for the dame
And one for the Wal-Mart thats right down the lane...

Oh my gosh! was black friday.......and the Sheeple ran to Wal-Mart as expected by the manipulation of the advertisers through the magic box we call TV, drilling into each of their minds, that by purchasing something, you could SAVE money.

How in the hell are you suppose to save money by spending it? 

It reminds me of my cousin Steve once telling me he went broke saving money at Wal-Mart. 

But these Sheeple had to be sure and get that 9 dollar toaster or 12 dollar crockpot, before all the other Sheeple took them.

These are the Sheeple that voted for Obama, and are most likely to vote him in again.

These are the same Sheeple who go to their local CVS to get their yearly flu shot because they read the poster hanging on the wall that instructed them to do so.

These are the same Sheeple who keep their entire life savings at the bank.

These are the Sheeple who bought a house that was completely outside of their means, and now had to do a short sale to get out from under the overwhelming interest that Obama pepetuated.

These are the same Sheeple that are now unemployed and are using their unemployment benefits to buy this garbage.

These are the Sheeple who feed their children processed and Genetically Modified Foods.

These are the Sheeple who are always looking down on their blackberry, instead of looking up to the skies, where they would see the Chemtrails being sprayed upon them.

These are the Sheeple who submit to fear tactics by the Government.

These are the same Sheeple who care more about Fantasy football or Dancing with the Stars more than the national debt.

These are the very same Sheeple that will kill each other over the color of their skin.

These are the Sheeple who send their children to WAR.

These are the very same Sheeple that buy everything on credit and enslave themselves to debt their whole lives.

Enjoy your Chinese made trinkets while they last….

What could be more American than reaching for something new? The U.S. is, after all, a nation founded on the rejection of tradition and a profound belief in invention. This urge has given us more than two centuries of powerful technology, but has also made Americans the world's most voracious consumers.

The propensity to buy, discard, and buy again is no accident.
During the next few years, the overwhelming problem of waste of all kinds will, I believe, compel American manufacturers to modify industrial practices that feed upon a throwaway ethics.

The golden age of obsolescence -- the heyday of nylons, tailfins, and transistor radios -- will go the way of the buffalo.

The new models always suck better.
"Deliberate obsolescence in all its forms -- technological, psychological, or planned -- is a uniquely American invention. Not only did we invent disposable products, ranging from diapers to cameras to contact lenses, but we invented the very concept of disposability itself,"  -Slade, a Canadian cultural historian
The result is a growing stream of hazardous waste that is gradually awakening us to the costs of our disposable society. Millions of tons of e-waste end up in U.S. landfills each year, and millions more are exported to developing countries.

How do we undo this cycle of consumption, when our economy is based on buying, trashing, and buying again?

Assuming Americans are willing to cut back on their over zealous consumption and muster the effort to recycle their trash.

Will corporate America drop the aggressive sales pitches wherein billions are spent encouraging people to buy impulsively?

Will people be able to kick the mass consumption habit generations in the making?

According to what we see in the youtube videos, it doesn't appear that this will happen any time soon.

We are still a very infantile species.

We may have nasty deadly complex toys to play with, but we are still infants What makes this so incredibly dangerous for us is the fact that we are also orphans. We are on our own, sink or swim time. This explains why we keep looking for a big daddy in a God or a political leader. Deep inside, most know that they are in over their heads and are terrified, so they seek comfort in illusion.

Just like an orphan always dreams of being a child of royalty.

Let's take a closure look at what creates Sheeple...

...In the documentary, "Century Of The SELFish Sheeple" (below), by Dr. John A. LaPaglia. explains that the first American to popularly refer to Americans as "Cattle" was Walter Lippmann.

This is a parody of the Adam Curtis BBC corporate propaganda documentary that was designed to screw over dumb sheeple BBC viewers titled, "Century Of The Self".

Dr. LaPaglia tells the truth right to your face by bringing you a non-corporate propaganda documentary about how Dr. Edward Bernays was 100% correct in his observations of the average human being:

Yes, they're stupid!!! The average sheeple human being is a moron. They are willfully ignorant barbarians.

Yes, since ancient Roman times, intellectual anomalies have discovered that they're stupid, however, Bernays discovered that the masses were REALLY DAMN STUPID ANIMALS!!! Don't get angry at me, but you know the documentary is right! This documentary shows just how idiotic they are, and how they need to be controlled by responsible people to lead the herd of mindless, brainless cattle.

The banks never forced you to take out loans you could not pay back, the corporations never forced you to be a selfish consumer, and the elites actually have very little power over the masses because the average cattle is devoid of any critical thinking skills.

The truth is that over 99% of human beings (sheeple) live inside of an "artificial womb" their entire lives which keeps them from acknowledging reality. The sheeple come in two different flavors:
1) Vanilla Conservative Sheeple

2) Strawberry Liberal Sheeple
The "Conservative Sheeple" want a "Fantasy God" they make up in their minds to give them everything they want in this life and the afterlife.

The "Liberal Sheeple" want a "Human God", we call a politician, to check under their beds for allegators, feed them, give them a welfare check, protect them, lead them, and make certain that they never, ever, EVER have to take any personal responsibility over their lives.

The sheeple always prefer fantasy over acknowledging reality. Have you seen how much television these dumb barbarian animals watch? The sheeple see the world in a purely "Black and White" fashion. They want to blame everything on a "Bad Guy" instead of realizing that the world is a mess from their own damn selfish behaviors. Seriously, the sheeple are greedy, delusional, and above all else stupid! This can be seen in the act of gambling, where when they win once, they delusionally believe they can 'beat the system', and win an infinite amount of money, or just look at the current house-flipping scheme that led to the destruction of the US economy in 2008.

The sheeple always, always, ALWAYS refuse to take personal responsibility for their own actions and are extremely financially irresponsible. They are 100% morons, just look at how they have been turned into slaves by their own MASTERcards (yes, the directors of corporations know you are dumb cattle too ignorant to see that insult).

The sheeple love oxymorons, like "You can SAVE more, by PAYing less!" (Payless corporate trademark) - Do you not see how dumb these animals are? How they hoard consumer goods like animalistic squirrels hoard nuts in a tree?

The sheeple always give into laziness and expediency, time and time again. The evidence is all in the documentary "Century Of The SELFish Sheeple".

Dr. Sigmund Freud's work in psychoanalysis and the subconscious with, among others, the work of Gustave le Bron; who had created theories on group/crowd psychology, really defined the process of creating a sense of need from desire.  For example, the First World War effort. From his book ‘Propaganda’, there are buzz phrases such as ‘Engineering Consent‘ which deal with methods for manipulating the population/audience emotionally towards action. He went on to be consulted and referenced heavily among governments on serious political and social agendas, but to this day the lasting effect of his work was to engineer the consumerist society we now live in.

The manipulation of words and imagery, the creation of spin, keeping up with the Jones’, selling sand to the Arabs; we have quite a lot to thank him for.

Here Is The Big Secret: There are to types of human beings: Homo Sapiens, and "Neander-Sheeple".

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