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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sirius - The Documentary

Sirius is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an Emergency room doctor turned UFO researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal and murderous suppression. He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experience with the cover-up.

Though he feels the pressure of an imminent assassination attempt, he comes upon an amazing find: 
A possible ancient E.T. skeleton, is discovered in the Atacama desert in Chile. The E.T. body is only six inches, and through genetic analysis it has been revealed to be definite organic material with a plethora of striking abnormalities so-far unseen in any other life on Earth.
It’s this mummified remains of what looks like a space alien which has turned Sirius into the most eagerly awaited documentary among UFO enthusiasts.

The findings, however, might come as a disappointment with regard to the early publicity, filmmakers claimed the documentary would reveal that the DNA of the creature with an oversized alien-looking head couldn't be medically classified

In fact, there is a scientist who concluded the little humanoid was human. 
"I can say with absolute certainty that it is not a monkey. It is human -- closer to human than chimpanzees. It lived to the age of six to eight. Obviously, it was breathing, it was eating, it was metabolizing. It calls into question how big the thing might have been when it was born" – Garry Nolan Director of stem cell biology at Stanford University's School of Medicine in California. 
While on this odyssey, the audience gains a whole new perspective on technology, human evolution, and clandestine organizations who have manipulated and controlled the public for centuries.

The evidence is credible, and the experiences are documented.  Yes, UFO's exist, and there are other intelligent life in the cosmos; they have been visiting us for over a century, and we have known about it.

"We" meaning, "they".

There is no getting around this....the government has been lying to the world, in order to use certain knowledgeable information and technology against us, rather than for us.

The truth is here...."some people can't handle the truth" what I hear in my head right now.

Now what do we do with the bread and circuses?...
...keep people fat, happy, and diverted.....this is what we are seeing today; a world in which perception is being managed by as little as 5 major media corporations who collectively control magazines, newspapers, corporate news websites, television stations, movies, documentaries.....
Who are the people behind the curtain? 

Spit out the bread, and look away from the circus.

Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together..... isn't' about overthrowing the Pentagon, it's about leaving it behind...the future is is here, contact is happening, and if we come together as a people, and start telling each and every person that we are being visited by intelligent life, we together can change the current paradigm...and we can create a world that is amazing....and free ourselves from the macroeconomic slavery...and this is the destiny of humanity.
We are standing at the precipice of a new age. 

There is power in the many, but only when they are acting as ONE...that is when resonance is happening, whether joining together in a positive citizenry against the forces standing to divide us....or joining consciousnesses to unite with the beings that are prepared to communicate with us...and if we are to succeed in this endeavor called LIFE, we must come together as ONE.

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