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Thursday, May 22, 2014

You Are What You Eat - Junk Food Mothers

Is it the notion that to be fit and healthy you need to eat good food?
"Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es." - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
"Der Mensch ist, was er ißt." - Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach
Neither Brillat-Savarin or Feuerbach meant their quotations to be taken literally.

They were stating that that the food one eats has a bearing on what one's state of mind and health.

Ninety per cent of the diseases known to man are caused by cheap foodstuffs.

The prevalence of obesity, and diabetes in American children is currently estimated to be 35%. Poor nutritional habits during childhood have been directly related to pediatric obesity, and pediatric diabetes.

Childhood obesity, and childhood diabetes is a problem.

The people responsible for feeding children are mothers not advertisers. Running the line that it is all to do with advertising allows adults to run a “Johnny told me to” line, which would not be accepted as an excuse from a child.

It is not about blaming mothers.
It is about telling it straight. If you can't afford to feed your child, or children the healthiest food, then don't have a kid, and definitely don't have 8 fucking kids!

After all, you mothers have been in a fight for a long time to protect your bodies, as "your body". You've been fighting for the unborn fetuses.....and for the born, as "yours". I completely, and totally agree....not with the fight, because I believe those rights are inherent, and not something you should have to fight for.

So you mother's win those battles...your body, your fetus, your baby..YOUR from this perception, you should be completely responsible for any life brought into this world...which would be inclusive of teaching and feeding your children with the most healthiest foods that this earth can provide.

That should be a mother's sole responsibility in life.....period.

Unless we tell mothers that what their children eat is their responsibility we will not see change. The only people who can change the eating patterns of children are mothers.

Ask yourself, would you inject herione into your child's body? Then why are you feeding your child empty, overprocessed, junk food?

Child-feeding practices are key behavioral variables that have important implications for the prevention of obesity, and childhood diabetes in children because it is suggestion that education need to be focused on the feeding behaviors of mothers.

So this is a good thing. It means that we can "teach" mothers who to properly feed their children, and what foods they should avoid. Also, the key factor is giving them the tools so that they can start their own research on what is good for "their" family. There are many different eating patterns for many different families, and should be tailored to individuality.

We can all agree that the food that comes out of grocery stores has been manipulated, and adulterated.

What you are being fed is poor nutrution such as...Corn, Soy, Wheat, Sugar, Sodium, and Chemicals. This is pretty much what people are eating on a daily basis; add on to that all the Preservatives and Addivitives that are used in food processing from MSG to artificial sweeteners like Aspertame.

Mothers are feeding this to their children on a daily basis.

A diet very sparce of vegestables, and very replete with these mono culture foods which have been spun out of factories and dumped in boxes or packages, and they don't contain any life.

Where is our life?

You don't actually know what you are eating anymore. When you eat one item, it really is composed of 25 different things.

Say you are having some fast food hamburgers, and here in the United States, are made up of 50% corn, and it's genetically modified.

The other 50% is made up of upwards of 100 cows.
You have to ask yourself...what am I really eating anymore?

When you see an overweight person, you must understand one important fact:

Most overweight people are overfed, and undernurished. They are addicted to falsified foods.
Are you addicted to fake foods? 
What are you eating?

What are you feeding your children?
"Der Mensch ist, was er ißt."

Are YOU what you EAT?

In 1942, Lindlahr published You Are What You Eat: how to win and keep health with diet. That seems to be the vehicle that took the phrase into the public consciousness.

Adelle Davis gave the phrase a new lease of life in the 1960s hippy era. The food of choice of the champions of this notion was macrobiotic wholefood and the phrase was adopted by them as a slogan for healthy eating.

The belief in the diet in some quarters was so strong that when Adelle Davis, a leading spokesperson for the organic food movement, contracted the cancer that later killed her, she attributed the illness to the junk food she had eaten at college.

Some commentators have suggested that the idea is from much earlier and that it has a religious rather than dietary basis. Roman Catholics believe that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are changed into the body and blood of Jesus (Transubstantiation).
We offer and present unto thee, O Lord, our selves, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and living sacrifice unto thee; humbly beseeching thee that we, and all others who shall be partakers of this Holy Communion, may worthily receive the most precious Body and Blood of thy Son Jesus Christ, be filled with thy grace and heavenly benediction, and made one body with him, that he may dwell in us, and we in him. - Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, 1549
Transubstantiation certainly links food and the body, but there doesn't appear to be a clear link between the belief and the phrase.

It's safe to assume the origin is more supper than supplication.

There is so much division going on in the world today, and that is true in the world of the real food movement as well.

In this movement you will find those who follow Weston A Price, the Paleo and grain free crowd, vegetarians, clean eaters and so many more.

Since each of us are so different, there can be a variety of dietary theories and passionate people who fully trust that their way of eating is the absolute best way.

It's true, each persons way of eating is the absolute best way of eating…..for them.

One man’s food is indeed another man’s poison!

What I’m talking about is the idea of bioindividuality. We are all unique, and as a result, our bodies all require different things. Some can thrive and see their health improve significantly without meat. Some suffer health issues when eating grains and do much better on a natural gluten free or Paleo diet, there are others who prefer juicing, and/or raw foods.

As a colon cancer survivor, my lifestyle does not allow for processed foods. I make it a habit of knowing where my food comes from before I will put it in my body. I only use whole and organic foods, spices, sugars, etc.

I am definitely not vegetarian, nor to I endorse, or advocate the vegan lifestyle. However, there are certain foods that I have strived over the past years to remove from my diet for health reasons, but are more spiritual based.

I haven't had chicken in my diet for over a year, and have tried to avoid all chicken products for the simple facts:

Chickens are one of the worst treated animal, and are raised for human consumption living in the most atrocious conditions that lend itself to the poisoning of the animal's soul and spirit, thus rendering it's whole physicality non-nutritional, and harmful to the body if consumed.
"Battery hens live in highly automated, windowless sheds containing up to 100,000 hens; they are cramped in long rows of stacked "battery cages." Up to 10 hens may inhabit an area of 2.33 ft sq. That is less than half the size of a sheet of A4 (8.5x11) paper per hen; they have a wingspan of 30-32 inches. Battery cages have sloping wire floors that prevent a hen from sitting, sometimes causing a hen's feet to grow around the bars leaving her immobile and starving to death. Battery cages have wire walls in which hens often get their head stuck, leading to a slow death of starvation."  [continue reading]
"Battery hens are fed hormones and antibiotics; they are prone to bacterial infections and exposed to pesticides.
"The egg industry adds antioxidants to chicken feed to lengthen hens' laying cycles. These chemicals inhibit the formation of peroxides during the birds' metabolic activities, which can damage and age hens' egg-producing calls and tissues. Poultry producers use arsenical compounds to speed growth, raise feed efficiency, and boost egg production". "Some egg producers use power sprayers that roll along the aisles shooting mists of insecticides up through the cage floors onto the birds". [continue reading]
Why would I want to put that into my body?

 Why would I feed that to people I say I love, and care about their well-being?

Until I am able to know for sure how a chicken was treated, what it was fed, and if it was put down humanely...I will not purchase any, or have it in my lifestyle diet.

Well, there are so many different ways that you can eat and different dietary theories that you can follow, that it can be overwhelming and confusing to those who are genuinely trying to transform the health of themselves and their family. I know I experienced moments that I was so overwhelmed that I felt like I should just scrap everything and go back to eating crap….because that was so much easier!

If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out about what to eat, then this article is for you!

Here are some basic things to remember:

Most real foodies will agree that it’s best to remove as much packaged, processed and fast food as possible!

No matter which way you look at it, these foods do very little to support us nutritionally.

The goal is to make the majority of your diet nutrient rich foods, instead of the large percentage of junk filled foods that so many regular families are eating every day.

If you are going to eat beef, then make sure it is humanely treated, free range, on certified organic ground, eats organic grass only.

Purchase your fresh produce from your local farmers market. Do not purchase food from Walmart.

You should always use raw dairy, natural sweeteners, whole organic soaked or sprouted grains, nuts and seeds, high quality fats like coconut oil, lard, tallow, butter, ghee, olive oil, palm oil.

All of this is based on what works for you and what your body will tolerate!

And don’t forget some fermented foods or beverages….we need the good gut flora! Our food, is our medicine cabinet, so use them wisely.

You have to figure out what foods work best for your body! Just because someone else is promoting a Paleo lifestyle or vegetarian way of eating does not mean that it will work for you!

I’ve seen way too many people adopt a way of eating that doesn’t work for their body and suffer health consequences as a result!

If you are concerned that you have an intolerance to grains, dairy or any other food, then you can test it out by removing those foods from your diet for a couple of weeks. Just remove any foods that you may be concerned about and then after the two week period add one food group back at a time.

Pay attention to any symptoms that show up after consuming that food.

If you do have symptoms, then you have a problem! If not, then add the next food after a couple of days. It’s all about listening to your body and what works best! Once you have a better idea of which foods work best for you, then you will have a better idea of which real food lifestyle will work best!

Don’t feel guilty if you aren’t doing things perfectly!

I had to learn the hard way that there is NO SUCH THING as perfect. It doesn’t help your health to feel guilty about things when you are learning and actively making changes!

One important thing....don't let me, or anyone else pressure you with our viewpoints which lend themself to you feeling guilty about making the best health choices for you and your family.

I am very passionate, and well intentioned and truly believe changing your lifestyle to a more healthy lifestyle is the best, whichever it may be.

It’s time we celebrate all the different ways we can eat real food!

In closing, the root of the problem has been discovered, and it points to the mothers.

So mothers, stand up and take ownership in the sacred responsibility duty of a mother.
"Mothers have a sacred duty to raise their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe all Universal Laws and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live."
Every woman who bears a child thus has a sacred responsibility to provide loving nurturance so that a child can develop toward his or her highest potential.  Please be more vigilant in the health and welfare of your children. 

Start purchasing whole foods, and stop feeding your children empty, dead lifeless food.

Take responsibility, and actually show the love by feeding your kids healthy, and teach them valuable lessons that will only enhance their lives as they get older.

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