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Monday, October 12, 2009

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education, blew the whistle in the `80s on government activities withheld from the public. Her inside knowledge will help you protect your children from controversial methods and programs.

In this book you will discover:

How the international, national, regional, state and local agendas for education reform are all interconnected and have been for decades the deliberate dumbing down of america is a chronological history of the past 100+ years of education reform. Each chapter takes a period of history and recounts the significant events, including important geopolitical and societal contextual information. Citations from government plans, policy documents, and key writings by leading reformers record the rise of the modern education reform movement. Americans of all ages will welcome this riveting expose of what really happened to what was once the finest education system in the world.
How good teachers across America have been forced to use controversial, non-academic resources.

How "school choice" is being used to further dangerous reform goals, and how home schooling and private education are especially vulnerable.

How workforce training (school-to-work) is an essential part of an overall plan for a global economy, and how this plan will shortcircuit your child's future career plans and opportunities

Readers will appreciate the user-friendliness of this chronological history designed for the average reader not just the academician. This book will be used by citizens at public hearings, board meetings, or for easy presentation to elected officials.

Publication of the deliberate dumbing down of america is certain to add fuel to the fire in this nation's phonics wars. Iserbyt provides documentation that Direct Instruction, the latest education reform fad in the classroom, is being institutionalized under the guise of "traditional" phonics thanks to the passage of the unconstitutional Reading Excellence Act of 1998.
"Coexistence on this tightly knit earth should be viewed as an existence not only without wars...but also without [the government] telling us how to live, what to say, what to think, what to know, and what not to know." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
For over a twenty-five-year period the research used in this chronology has been collected from many sources: the United States Department of Education; international agencies; state agencies; the media; concerned educators; parents; legislators, and talented researchers with whom I have worked for at least twenty-five years. In the process of gathering this information two beliefs that most Americans hold in common became clear:

1) If a child can read, write and compute at a reasonably proficient level, he will be able to do just about anything he wishes, enabling him to control his destiny to the extent that God allows (remain free).

2) Providing such basic educational proficiencies is not and should not be an expensive proposition.

Since most Americans believe the second premise-that providing basic educational proficiencies is not and should not be an expensive proposition-it becomes obvious that it is only a radical agenda, the purpose of which is to change values and attitudes (brainwash), that is the costly agenda. In other words, brainwashing by our schools and universities is what is bankrupting our nation and our children's minds. [read more]

This book offers a fundamental view of the academic meltdown in our public education. It asserts that agents have been working at the Education Department to change curriculum, not to improve teaching but to promote a socialist agenda. Their role is to create schools which will mold obedient citizens who no longer have the knowledge and skills to improve.

This book is so informative and will expand on many avenues of how our education is where it is today. Even how the Board of Education goes against the Constitution and that you can not change, but what you will gain from this is a wealth of knowledge that first will make you extremely mad and sick to your stomach.

You will begin to see the whole picture as to the why's of the government's agenda. I see other reviews that want to say this is a right wing conspiracy you will see this is not just right wing it is just what the elite who control this country want to see happen.

Even Rockefeller is quoted as saying that education for the masses should only enable you to buy products and read a newspaper but the end result keeps you from understanding their agenda and also from learning in the manner that only the elite feel they are entitled to know.

We all must awaken to the fact that all history books are rewritten and important things omitted, math is taught 5 different ways so thats it is purposely confusing. Students are profiled for future employers even in the second grade. Just take a look at kids today and ask them about their ideals...and you will see how their ideals are very much different from yours.

Iserbyt makes no statements without providing the reference source material as proof. Once the reader starts to make the connections between all of these profusely cited documents and the demonization of 'home schooling' that is currently underway in our so-called FREE country, it will become apparent that this was all done on purpose with the intent of creating groupthink and to destroy individuality and self-reliance.

"Anyone with young children needs to read this book BEFORE their children become of school age. You will not find the information in this book on the evening news or in your local paperIf you choose to send your children to public school, then you really do not care about your children's education - Fundamentally"
 Arise from the Illusion.

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  1. ...anyway, I hope you find as many like-minded people as you can handle, I do find your website insightful and impressive...thanks for posting on Denver R&R, you do have quite a gift for writing...hope I still have a soul someone wants, even me...sam...sorry, a bit down this morning...

  2. Nice , I like it Because Im not fully dumbed down yet . I cant spell

  3. John Allen from Northern VAOctober 21, 2009 9:20 AM

    Your post is among the best Ive ever read on CL. Printed it out. Love your sheep picture.

    If you arent there already look at His position is that government has no power over us that we don't have ourselves. One cant delegate power one does not have. A million people trying to do that doesn't make it legitimate.

    He writes two blogs. One is The 861, which refers to a section of the tax code that says the average american does not owe income tax. Its an enormous deceit. He went to prison based on his belief in that analysis.

    The other blog is TMDS. Government: the most dangerous superstition. His Fourth of July address at Liberty Hall is a good introduction.
    He has also written three books.

    A lot of people talk about being pro-freedom. When it comes time to defy illegitimate authority they suddenly become wool bearers.
