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Friday, October 09, 2009

Arise from the Illusion

What does "Arise from the Illusion" mean to me?  That would depend on the definition of Illusion.

An Illusion  is a layer of conditioning of patterns and beliefs that provides evidence you are living in certain reality. All Illusions keep us from living 'outside the box' keeps us from doing what we CAN do.

The Illusion of Not Enough: where the belief that you can't be who you are without having enough; resulting in feeling incomplete.

The Illusion of Comparisons: consistently comparing ourselves to the outside world to validate who we are.

The Illusion of Struggle: the constant cycle of resistance, constant striving, entitlement (the twin brother of entitlement is attachment).

The Illusion of Time: focusing on what you don't have instead of what you do have.

The Illusion of Control: when a person's happiness depends on changing the world to fit THEIR idea of how things should be.

The Illusion of Certainty: when the NEED to know an outcome, keeps you from acting

Last but not least.... Great Big Illusion of Hope: waiting for other people or events to solve our uneasiness of in reality.

Sound familiar? Obama sold Americans on this Illusion.  As it turns out Obama just gives us a taste of how hope can be a form of scarcity.  We all know that scarcity produces War. All you hear is people saying Obama has given them/us Hope.  They don't realize that another veil has been pulled down in front of their ignorant faces. 

Hope can actually keep people from doing what they can do. Hope can keep us waiting, rid us of our power, and keep us doing things that don't benefit us for much longer than we normally might. I'm certainly not saying Hope isn't good.  There are people who produce HOPE...and they are called creators... people doing what they CAN do. That's what it's all about. You don't have to look far to see people in the world...doing what they can do. We are the "producers of Hope". 

Are you a "consumer of hope" or are you a "producer of hope"?

I was a consumer of hope....I would think of something I really, really wanted in life. I would think of it so bad that I began to hold onto it so tightly that evenutally I squeezed the life out of it and it was no longer fun. It became something I needed. "I need more pay because I need a new car to get to work, to pay for the house that I NEED I NEED I NEED"....Attachment has a way of doing that to our 'wants and desires'. The reality is, if you say you want something and you're not happy unless you get it, you're sending out an energy that repels the very thing you want." It's a very simple law of attraction.

Do you see the Illusion?.... Expectation + Entitlement + Need = Disapointment + Status Quo + Disconnection.

When you look at it this way, how can you find happiness in that materialistic world?...It's fundamentally impossible.  When we expect something, it's often related to an attitude that we deserve it (entitlement) and when we feel we're entitled to something it changes from a desire to a need. The playfulness is gone. It's do or die. Black or white. I didn't think this was a great way to have fun, or live into greatness.

The government played the American people this is why I continue to post my blogs here and there....if your reading's my attempt to awaken the understanding that Hope is the dark side of positive thinking. Every day, it suffocates people's possibilities by perpetuating the expectation that someone else or something else is going to come along and rescue us from ourselves, from our problems, from our situations. We expect things to change, we just don't want to do the changing.

My friend says, "What's life without Hope?"...."...we've got to have Hope"....And I agree. Life without hope would be the empty hole waiting at the end to swallow us up. But hope is only part of the equation. Hope in and of itself is really a way to put responsibility on something or someone outside ourselves. You must understand that when we only hope for things to get better, we hold the "present" ...the "now"... hostage. But Hope married with rooted Action is the magical combination. So that is what I refer to when I say, Arise from the Illusion.  We can not go to the next chapter in evolution if all have not finished reading the last page....we are all connected, we are all in this together...all paths lead to the same beginning.

What are you hoping for?

And is that keeping YOU from doing the things that you CAN do right here, right now, today?

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  1. I could not have asked for a better education than this. You are brilliant, I look forward to reading and learning more.

  2. I want to thank you Richard for indeed, waking me up or maybe just screwing in the lighhtbulb tighter on a flickering lamp.

    See you did cross paths with me for a reason.

    You did what you had to do. Maybe that was all Richard? Maybe thats what they mean about dont get lost in OTHERS realities. Thats when we become lost and lose our purpose? As for being my brother I love you. As for being a teacher "thank you" I shouldn't be more complicated than that. That would then mean we would just be wasting our time {=energy}.. ~Chow! xo

  3. It's the holiday season. A time of good cheer. And I put it out there, but don't see a lot of it around. Tidings of comfort and joy - how could it be better said? But most people I run into are so into their struggle for materialistic "success" that they seem all but unaware of the true, warm nature of the season. Good will toward all so often replaced with "get the hell out of my way" you know? It's really sad when you think about it, millions of people around, chasing some elusive reward that will neither buy them more time nor fill their deepest needs. Dust in the wind, and all.
