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Monday, November 07, 2011

Give Of Yourself

The best gift you can give is to give of yourself.

We teach girls to shrink themselves, and to make themselves smaller.  We say to girls,
"You can have ambition, but not too much.  You should aim to be successful, but not too successful, otherwise you will threaten the man."
Because you are female, you are expected to aspire to marriage.

You are expected to make my life choices, always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important.  Now marriage can be a source of Joy and love and mutual support.

Why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage, and we don't teach boys the same?

We raise girls to see each other as competitors, not for jobs or for accomplishments, which I think can be a good thing, but for the attention of men.

We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings in the way that boys are.
Feminist: the person who believes in the social political, and economic equality of the sexes.
Your time, your attention, your love and caring are far more valuable than anything that could be wrapped up in a brightly colored box.

Give a little kindness, or patience, or understanding or love. Give encouragement, and attention, and assistance.

You always have what it takes to give of yourself.

For in every situation, there is something valuable and positive that you can offer.

When you make the world a better place for others, you have the good fortune of living in that world too.

Here is a message for the new year to all the young women out there.

Don’t have babies. You don’t have to run out and get married and have kids.

Have a larger life than that.

Most people are brainwashed into thinking they need to have kids, or that they need to run out and get married. Not so, at least not right away. Kids today have been led astray, and think that sex is something that is needed to do.

I guess my advice to the young men and women who may read this, would be that none of you think of having a family of your own.

Instead, make the family of humanity your concern for one or two generations.

Serving the common good, is everybody’s work. Coming together in solidarity, because no one else can do it.

Often we hear the cry from the youth...
"What can we do, and where can we go?"
My answer is this:
The world doesn't owe you a living...YOU owe the world something.  You owe it your time, energy and talent so that no one will be at war, in sickness and lonely again.   
In other words grow up, stop being a cry baby, get out of your dream world and develop a backbone not a wishbone.   
Start behaving like a responsible person. 
You are important and you are needed.   
It's too late to sit around and wait for somebody to do something someday.   
Someday is NOW, and that somebody is YOU!
Let’s do a reboot together, right here, right now, to making the world a better place, because it is within our power to do so.

Let’s not let ourselves hold each other down, let’s keep moving up.

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