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Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 11, 2011 - 11/11/11

November 11 2011 is believed to be important from the numerological point of view and there is stuff floating around the net about crop circles, ascension and the Book of Revelations. There is even a Hollywood movie coming out on that day called 11:11:11. I checked out the astrology for this date and it’s actually rather impressive so I thought it was worth writing about. It will be interesting to see if others think there is some special significance to this date and if that can be linked to the planetary aspects and fixed star influences.

The most significant aspect I believe is Mars opposite Neptune and Chiron. This only occurs about every 160 years but this time it is extra special because Mars is conjunct the Royal fixed star Regulus, which incidentally is entering the sign of Virgo about now.

You can see in the chart below that Chiron is also exactly stationary on this day. Mars opposite Neptune and Chiron sounds painful, wounding in a spiritual sense.

November 11 2011 Horoscope

Regulus is a potent military star and is Mars-like in nature, associated with violence, people with important roles, downfall and even assassinations, especially with Mars. The planets associated with assassination are Mars, Uranus and Neptune, and they are all in aspect to each other in this chart. The nation of Israel has Mars on Regulus, so does Benjamin Netanyahu, David Cameron and the late Diana Princess of Wales.

Two more extremely powerful stars are activated by Saturn, which lays between Arcturus and Spica, said to be the two most fortunate stars in the sky. There is a belief that Spica marks the beginning and the end of the zodiac, as represented by the Sphinx at Giza. The head of Virgo and the body of Leo. In Christian astrology, the story of the stars begins with Spica. Edgar Cayce viewed Arcturus as “that which may be called the center of this universe, through which individuals pass and at which period there comes the choice of the individual as to whether it is to return to complete there“.

Another of the Royal stars is also activated by the Mercury Venus conjunction on Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion. Itself a military star and associated with a “violent character and is credited with being significant for a violent death“. I had a bit of fun and set this chart for 11:11 am Universal Time (London). Hi Ho we get the Moon on the fixed star Algol, the Demon Star associated with violence and decapitation. There is a religious/spiritual theme which comes from Chiron with Neptune, as Neptune rules spirituality and Chiron is the healer/teacher. I think if I were a spiritual or religious leader, or any sort of leader I’d be ducking for cover on this day. [source]
“We are entering the Age of Aquarius on November 11, 2011. It will be a new time. The entire psyche is changing. You must purify the mind, body and soul to be real, innocent, and sattvic (pure). Elevate yourself to be angelic. This age which you will serve is an age of awareness and experience.” He also said, “I did not come here to create students, but teachers.” 

The number 11 in both singular and duplicated form has great importance for 2012 related astrology, prophecy, numerology and history. Lets just start by making everyone aware that if we take the Mayan symbol for 11 and then duplicate it, flip its duplicate, shift them both ninety degrees, we have the image of 11:11.

One numerological interpretation is that it marks the beginning of new cycles, increased spiritual leanings and compassion. It is considered as one of the master numbers, those few that are not reduced by the addition of the constituent numbers.

This number and specifically the time 11:11 being so linked to the December 2012 event has stunned many of those experiencing these temporal synchronicity events. I have myself experienced many 11:11 temporal synchronicity events.

An important element of the 21-12-2012 subject is the contemplation of Solar dynamics and Solar behavior. There is no doubt that the Sun’s erratic behavior has massive effects on Earth’s biosphere. We sometimes forget that we do not merely orbit the sun but rather reside deep within its magnetosphere, the invisible part of the sun that extends out as a spherical bubble enclosing the inner planets.

Many experts have contended that changes in atmospheric ion count for example can effect human and animal behavior, as well as our bio-clocks. Thus influencing biological, physiological and behavioral patterns of all living things. Certainly we know that some frequencies of radiation from the sun can effect cell division or brain functions. Excess or lack of certain frequencies and types of solar radiation have been observed to give radical effects on human beings under laboratory conditions.

The reason why the Sun becomes important in the 11:11 subject is not simply the solstice point in our calendar. It also happens to be that the sun’s magnetic field operates a cycle of polarity reversals averaging 11.11 years in length. The next peak of this cycle happens to be in the year 2012 and has been predicted by some astrophysicists to likely be a very active maximum. Some posit possibly the most active since the end of the last ice-age.

There are also important 11 year cycles in human population growth in respect of birth rates.

Even more incredible is the finding that the entire mass of the black hole central to our galaxy spins once every 11 minutes.

Nikola Tesla, the unsung hero of science who gave us such wonders as alternating current (imagine not having that!), was very interested in the Sun. Although a hard scientist he was also rather superstitious about numbers, and held the perhaps strange belief that the Sun and the Earth were dynamic living organisms. A belief held by many indigenous peoples of the America’s.

Is the Sun, our temporal governor, speaking to us through the very devices that display its movement through the divisions of the day. Could this really be like the elephant in the living room that nobody wants to see. The sun having an 11.11 year cycle, the winter solstice of 2012 falling at 11:11 and people all over the world finding themselves bombarded with 11’s just as science is predicting some kind of majestic solar event at the peak of this current cycle seems more than coincidence.

One rather dire possible event is the Earth being hit by a massive Solar event such as the November 2003 monster X-ray flare that erupted from the Sun. This was the most powerful solar flare ever recorded at X-28. It blinded the NOAA GOES satellite for 11 minutes.

There is even a cosmic 11-11 mystery. Two comets called 34D/Gale and Boethin, have mysteriously vanished. Both of these were 11 year period objects!

Interestingly 11’s have played important roles in recent history. The 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day is the official moment of remembrance for the lives lost during, and cessation of, the terrible fighting in Europe during WWI. Two minutes of silence are observed, a pair of 1's yet again.

More recently we have the initiation of a war on September 11-01, which may yet be remembered as the start of WWIII. It also transpires that 111 in numerology is a ‘power number’ related to fresh modes of thinking applied to new cycles in life‘s play.

It is of additional note that not only did we have the start of the war-on-terror on the 11th September, but that it was heralded by the destruction of the two great world trade centre buildings appearing to stand above the New York skyline in the form of an enormous 11. The 1st plane that impacted was flight 11 with 11 crew on board.

Its also interesting to note that the very numbers of the solstice date 21 12 2012 combined give us the number 11 once again. Almost like a fail safe, just in case we were too dumb to notice all the other 11 related patterns!

In terms of the much vaunted ‘New Age’ and the coming of the era of Aquarius it is notable that the water bearer is the 11th sign of the zodiac cycle.

Another notable date is of course 11-11-11 which may well present some interesting surprise for our planet. I have noted that on previous dates such as 10-10-10, 09-09-09 etc. important events have happened.  Perhaps the most powerful lesson inherent in the number 11, is that there is one, and next to it there is one. I am another yourself, and you are another myself. Each is one. All are one.

There is only one or Lak'ech ala K’in.

If only all mankind could find in that a simple positive message. [source]

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