Poison, the viper and the universal solvent are all symbols of the undifferentiated-of the 'unchanging law' which moves through all things, linking them by a common bond. Both the dragon and the bull are symbolic antagonists of the solar hero. The Ouroboros biting its own tail is symbolic of self-fecundation, or the primitive idea of a self-sufficient Nature - a Nature, that is which, à la Nietzsche, continually returns, within a cyclic pattern, to its own beginning.
[...] that the first day should make the last, that the Tail of the Snake should return into its Mouth precisely at that time, and they should wind up upon the day of their Nativity, is indeed a remarkable Coincidence. - Carl Jung

The sign of the Suntelia Aion is the sun rising out of the mouth of the ouroboros, which will occur on the solstice December 21, 2012 which links with the Mayan Calendar as a symbolic date the evolution of consciosness in the alchmey of time.
This also goes to Quetzalcoatl and accelerating Earth changes in the Ring of Fire.

Benjamin Villars, is a self proclaimed 21st century philosopher, astrologer, an awesome number theorist (mostly regarding pi, Maya, planetary orbits & the golden ratio)who is in search for ultimate truth.
Ben wrote a book, Nietzsche As Antichrist, where he explains or interprets his theories on Nietzsche as the Antichrist. He believes along with many others that Nietzsche was a genius. Lou Salome, his friend and crush, believed "he would usher in a new Religion."
Ben's hypothesis is that the completion of the great cycle and the return of Quetzalcoatl are archetypes and their underlying meaning points toward a shift in the nature of the psyche.
Excerpt from Book:
Such a radical proposition may seem absurdly far-fetched and beyond rational analysis...however, it is my view that this transition can be approached sensibly, considered in a way that does not insult our reasoning faculties.An interesting date of birth is also indicated of Nietzsche if we observe the Toltec Calendar which prophesied that before the end of the 13th Era, Queztalcoatl, the white prophet who taught the Mayan sacred long count calendar, taught men how to correctly utilize the mushroom, and one of the only Mayan Kings opposed to human sacrifice, would return to free man from his bonds. Out of a total of 52 years x 13 eras (676 years being a complete cycle) this cycle began in 1168 A.D. while the 13th era of this cycle commenced in the year 1844. It ended completely in 1896. It's interesting to note that 1168 A.D. was the exact year of the beginning of the Toltec decline in the fall of Tollan, and also when the Olmecs were driven from their native city, Cholula. Some believe one incarnation of Quetzalcoatl/Kukulkan was actually born 987 A.D. - Exactly a millennia prior to my birth-year.A central tenant in Nietzsche's philosophy is the idea of eternal recurrence.He experimented with the idea that this existence must be experienced over and over again after we die, but the true question of anti-nihilism is: "Was life good enough to want to repeat it?" A true free spirit and Ubermensch would want it, he thought. The concept of repetitious time is primary because according to Maya mythology, Quetzalcoatl was the messenger of the mathematics of the Mayan calendar (The Olmecs were the first attributed with the sacred calendars' conception; Quetzalcoatl might also have been as old as the Olmecs, i.e., various lives via reincarnation). This calendar is of a fractal nature that ends on the winter solstice of 2012 A.D., or baktun Could Nietzsche's realization of time as a cycle be a past-life archetype of discovering the fractal calendar which happens to end 112 years after his death in 1900, 2012? In other words, did the Maya not only foretell the end of time, but of Nietzsche/Quetzacloatl to help us through this Galactic psychic shift?"It seems to me that most people simply do not believe in elevated moods, unless these last for moments only or at most a quarter of an hour- except for those few who know firsthand the longer duration of elevated feelings. But to be a human being with one elevated feeling- to be a single great mood incarnate- that has hitherto been a mere dream and delightful possibility; as yet history does not offer us any certain examples.
Nevertheless history might one day give birth to such people, too- once many a great favorable preconditions have been created and determined that even the dice throws of the luckiest chance could not bring together today. What has so far entered our souls only now and then as an exception that made us shudder, might perhaps be the usual state for these future souls: a perpetual movement between high and low, the feeling of high and low, a continual ascent as on stairs and at the same time a sense of resting on clouds.""A Vision - Lectures and hours of meditation for adults, for the mature and maturest, and these daily, without compulsion but attended by everyone as a command of custom: to use everyday as if it were a festival of attained and attainable dignity of human reason: to have a new and fuller efflorescence of the ideal of the teacher, in which the priest, the artist and the physician, the man of knowledge and the man of wisdom, are fused with one another, with a resultant fusion of their separate virtues into a single total virtue which would also be expressed in their teaching itself, in their delivery and their methods - this is my vision: it returns to me again and again, and I firmly believe that it lifts a corner of the veil of the future."This next point will always be a moment of hesitation among scholars, but not among readers of Nietzsche: What makes things so significant with his ties to the great Quetzalcoatl is that Q. was also involved in incest with his sister and actually because of his shame, he threw himself into a fire to become the "star" Venus.. of which is the ruler of Nietzsche's Zodiacal Sign: Libra. Venus rules beauty, and it is no wonder that the man Quetzalcoatl would sacrifice flowers and snakes instead of men to the Gods, while Nietzsche was known to eep many decorative flowers around his modest apartments. It is also said that he personally had a very peaceful, quiet nature that countered his rather hostile writings towards the many failures of modern men. Yet shouldn't a leader be one whom can point out how and why things must change?"Quetzalcoatl was of a gentle nature but was capable of great firmness when necessary."Libra is the sign of the Judge, of the Scales. This gives one incredible sense of distinguishing opposites. "I was the first to see the real opposition."And then of the sense to relinquish oneself of all 'distinguishing' in the end..to see beyond "good" and "evil."Quetzalcoatl in his mythological form, as opposed to the Man-Quetzalcoatl, was represented as the Serpent-Dragon, a specific combination. So if we dig deeper into the archetypes, we see how not only was Nietzsche the year of the Dragon, but the hour of the Snake, 10:00 am."….those fleeting moments I call divine lizards..."Is this combo something other than mere Western Superstition? I don't feel it is when one really "zooms out." But then again, this gift is given "more frequently" with persons who have a Natal Jupiter in Pisces placement like Nietzsche and I... but I'm not judging, just recording.Venus ties into something personal in my life of which its planetary alignment I was unaware of until recently last year. In June of 2004, we experienced a transit of Venus that was not just visible but came only once every 120 years, in pairs separated by exactly 365 days x 8. So, counting leap years, 2 years plus 2 days apart. Our second pair will be visible in June of 2012.365 is important because it is the exact amount of days in the Mayan Haab count. So it fits perfectly for Maya Mathematics but off by 2 days using the Gregorian Calendar as a reference point. June '04 was precisely the same month in which my older cousin Niko gives me philosophical recommendations since I was so into metaphysical "Matrix-esque" questions at the time.. he said to me, "Have you read any Nietzsche?", "and so the tragedy began…" ;^)" There are six pages in the Dresden Codex (one of the Maya codices) devoted to the accurate calculation of the heliacal rising of Venus."Venus orbits the sun 1.6 times faster than the earth:1.6:1 = golden ratio& orbits the sun 13 times in 8 earth years:13:8 = golden ratioVenus transits are associated with leaps in communication. Nietzsche experienced them in 1874 (he had just begun writing 2 years prior) and 1882 (begins his masterpiece "Zarathustra," along with triple conjunction of Pluto- Neptune-Saturn in Taurus, the only other Sign ruled by Venus.) So my Transit occurred during the discovery of Nietzsche through my cousin Niko & Jupiter was opposing Uranus, when "great discoveries occur & new connections between men are made". Examples: Freud met Jung, Thoreau meets Emerson, Nietzsche discovers Schopenhauer, his "precursor"). While "Jupiter in Virgo I" trining my natal "Neptune in Capricorn I" means that "a teacher will come into your life as a guide… you should not over-idealize him ."Strange to find all this out when I potentially have the worst potential of being" over-idealistic and prone to fantasy because of Neptunes' illusory presence in the place where the Sunwas when I was conceived, 20-27 degrees Aquarius.According to Terence McKenna's TimeWave Zero calculations, time, not the world, would "culminate in on itself" in the last part of the year 2012. This happens to be within the same month the Mayan long count prophetic calendar will also finally culminate and spiral in on itself, not "end", on the winter solstice, December 21, of 2012. There are 144,000 elect who are supposed to survive the biblical apocalypse, this is also the exact number of days there are in 1Mayan baktun, 13 of which add up to 5125 years, or 1,872,000 days. Our 13th last Baktun ends 12/21/2012. It is also said that there are 144,000 stones in the Pyramid of Giza as well, but this is still debated. So what do the Mayans, Christians, and Egyptians all have in common? To me, their conception of an End-Time, a Golden Age, or "Apocalypse" (of which translates as "rebirth", not "death"! A heavy Western misunderstanding). Should I also note that 144 is the amount of astrological possibilities there are when combing Western and Chinese archetypes like Suzanne White has done? I'm Aquarius-Rabbit, Nietzsche is a Libra-Dragon, etc. I find it relevant to the math of the situation.I should note that the gap of time in which the McKenna brothers took their "journey to la choerra," according to TimeWave Zero, is exactly resonant with the dates in which the Lao Tzu philosophy of Taoism was rapidly spreading and becoming known: McKenna found the new pattern within the 64 hexagrams, which is a fractal of 64, that ends at the completion of the year 2012. So the parallel theme between the Maya and Chinese is fractal time & 2012. Not to mention the very Buddha-like "play dolls" found in Meso-America, now Mexico.What McKenna discovered was that information, what he calls "novelty", is exponentially increasing not only rapidly to the point where "everything should be known", but to the point where he believes the laws of physics must somehow alter. Great events are mathematically precognited with this calendar.Nietzsche, for instance, quit teaching to write exactly when "novelty" in this calendar increased to roughly 400%, and in those proceeding 10 years (1879-1889) he wrote his collection of ideas in as various a form as they came to him. But then, for some reason, precisely when Nietzsche fell and could no longer write, in 1889, also the year Hitler was born, Novelty quickly rose back to a lighter degree right up until his passing in 1900, like Oscar Wilde. He didn't miss anything is the point... Then a great drop occurred just in time for the 20th century's impulse to "get stuff done".When I say time culminates, I mean knowledge becomes universal and no longer hidden, since history will have had a finale in the fractal fashion discovered within the 384 lines of the King Wen sequence of I-ching readings (the Mayan calendar is a fractal by the exponent of 20, McKenna's a fractal of 64). This singularity point was considered the Golden Age of the Maya, but the Chinese were assumingly unaware of this date which the McKenna's had found --- we must not look it over. Not to be beat, but it was psychedelics which all 3 of these discoverers had in common. Primarily psilocybin mushrooms and ayahuasca/dmt. The McKenna's actually took a unique combination of both when they spent days doing these hallucinogenic experiments in which they cracked the I-Ching code that "just so happened" to be a calendar which ends 2012. [source]
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Cystal links; Nietzsche as Antichrist, Used by Permission: Ben Villars, Author and Philosopher/Astrologer.
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